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Hong Kong Talent List

Circular Ref: A(23)103

You may be aware of the recent announcement by the Hong Kong SAR Government regarding the expanded Talent List, which aims to attract high-quality professionals to address Hong Kong's development needs.


The expanded list now applies to the Quality Migrant Admission Scheme, the General Employment Policy, and the Admission Scheme for Mainland Talents & Professionals.


In light of the many suggestions of our membership, the Association had previously recommended the government to update the maritime-related Talent List. 


We are delighted to inform you that the government has considered the Association's advice. In the expanded list,  a new category called "Ship Finance Professionals” has been introduced, the scope of "Marine Engineers and Superintendents of Ships” has been expanded to cover both deck and engine streams, and the sailing experience requirement in that category has been relaxed.


For your convenience, we have attached the updated Talent List. To explore more details about the categories, please click here.


We would like to take the opportunity to thank Association members who offered their views and shared their experiences with the government throughout our lobbying exercise.

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