The HKSOA is one of the world’s largest and most active shipowners’ associations. We pursue the interest of our members at local (Hong Kong SAR), national (China), regional (Asia) and global levels.
We have two membership types: Ordinary Members (for shipowners, ship managers and ship operators) and Associate Members (for individuals and companies working in other maritime industry sectors).
Ordinary Members have voting rights and can participate in our sub-committees. All members can attend our forums, seminars and other social networking events, and receive our circulars, notices and other industry information.
On average, we host three to four monthly events – including technical events such as forums, seminars and meetings to share knowledge and updates, as well as networking events. Our networking events range from luncheons, cocktail parties, dinners and golf days to other social activities, such as table tennis tournaments. We welcome sponsorships for certain events.
Every year, we host delegation visits to mainland China, such as to Beijing, Shanghai, Ningbo, Zhoushan and the Greater Bay Area, to enable interested members to meet with government authorities and other industry stakeholders.
Contact our HKSOA Secretariat team’s Executive Manager Ms Peggy Kan ( to learn more about becoming a member.
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香港船東會是世界上最大、最活躍的船東會之一。 我們在本地(香港特別行政區)、國家(中國)、區域(亞洲)和全球層面為會員追求最大的利益。
我會有兩種會員類型, 分別為普通會員(供船東、船舶經理和船舶經營者)和準會員(供個人及其他海事行業的公司)。
普通會員擁有投票權,可以參予我們的小組委員會。 所有會員都可以參加我們的論壇、研討會和其他社交網路活動,並接收我們的通函、通知和其他行業訊息資訊.
我們的社交活動包括午餐會、雞尾酒會、晚宴和高爾夫日以及乒乓球錦標賽等其他社交活動。 我們歡迎對某些活動的任何贊助。
如有任何查詢請聯絡香港船東會秘書處執行經理Peggy Kan女士( 以了解更多有關成為會員的資訊。
Additional Membership Benefits
