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WWF - Preventing and detecting wildlife trafficking on maritime, aerial and postal/courier transport chains

Circular Ref: A(23)128

Please find attached a recent report from WWF France and the Global Health Alliance, (GOHA) with an analysis of innovative solutions with the potential to support law enforcement and compliance efforts. 

The illegal trade in wild animals and plants is still rampant and exploits legitimate transport operations. In the era of increased, faster and safer connectivity between territories across the globe, supported by data and the digitalisation of transport processes, innovative techniques are being explored, pilot-tested or made available to detect contraband. Some of these technologies and tools, such as canine units or specific scanning tools, are already providing successful results in disrupting wildlife trafficking efforts.

The report, primarily addressed to companies involved in transport operations and government agencies in charge of monitoring or controlling these activities (especially at borders), aims to:

  • Create Inventory techniques that are relevant for contraband screening; and

  • Analyse their availability, features and the financial and technical requirements to operate them, with the intention to identify those that are best suited to prevent and detect wildlife trafficking.


 A scoping review of available literature and interviews with representatives of companies from the transport and technology sectors, law enforcement agencies, intergovernmental organisations, non-governmental organisations and academia were conducted to 

develop this report. It concludes with six recommendations addressed to these stakeholders, to encourage research and development, cooperation and knowledge-sharing, considered as necessary to enhance the availability of innovative techniques aimed to prevent and detect wildlife trafficking. 


Please do not hesitate to circulate this report!

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