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ICS 4th Edition, Tanker Safety Guide (Liquefied Gas)

Circular Ref: A(23)132

The ICS is pleased to announce that the new edition of Tanker Safety Guide (Liquefied Gas) can now be pre-ordered. Order your copy today. 


Developed and reviewed by senior industry experts with direct experience in the field, this comprehensive guide been presented in a user-friendly and modernised format, with a significant upgrade in the visual representation of technical information, including infographics and flow diagrams.New in this edition of the guide:


• Alignment of the ship/shore safety checklists with ISGOTT 6.

• Emphasis on simplifying the human element processes on board to reduce the chance of root cause accidents attributed to human element.

• New elements on bunkering and simultaneous operations.

• Expanded guidance on rollover, enclosed spaces and mooring.

• Updated section on reliquification to incorporate new technologies.

• Useful and relevant annexes pulled into the main body of the guide for easy reference.


Tanker Safety Guide (Liquefied Gas), fourth edition, has been written for:


• On board deck and technical officers.

• Those training or providing training in liquefied gas transportation.

• Anyone engaged in the transportation of liquefied gas by sea.


This new guide is priced at £470 and is available in print and ebook. Find out more and order from ICS Publications.  Find out more and order from ICS Publications. 


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