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Circular Ref: A(23)136

Please find attached below the July/August edition of Leadership Insights. 


The decision maker piece is from Professor Lynn Loo, CEO, Global Centre for Maritime Decarbonisation, (GCMD), who spoke to Leadership Insights about GCMD’s goals to accelerate shipping’s green transition, with pilots and trials of alternative fuels and technologies.


There is another article about the recent "Clean Energy Ministerial Meeting" in Goa where the "Clean Energy Marine Hubs Initiative”  was formally adopted, less than one year after the initiative was first proposed. 


Another article covers a roundup of the Seafarer 2050 Summit that took place in June in the Philippines. This milestone summit was dedicated to discussing the future for seafarers and the outcomes of the summit revolved around the key areas of investment, training, recruitment and retention, and industry-wide collaborations. 


The news analysis piece looks at how the issue of alternative fuel supplies can be tackled through a partnership approach. Fuel availability has consistently been reported by shipowners and operators as a barrier to decarbonising and our article looks at how this can be overcome this issue.


Following historic ambitions set at MEPC80 in June the article "Market Based Measures  to realise Net- Zero Consensus" looks at how goals can be achieved, and in the article "Nuclear Power" poses vast potential for shipping the ABS CEO and Chairman, Christopher Wiernicki, discusses why shipping should not ignore the potential of nuclear propulsion. 


Cyberattacks have been ranked as one of the highest risks impacting operations for shipping leaders, and in a news article "Cyber risk remains as industry defences Matures”  looks at recent cyberattacks and the potential steps to address this serious issue.


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