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MACN - Nigeria Impact Survey 2023

Circular Ref: O(23)33

The Maritime Anti-Corruption Network (MACN) has launched the Nigeria Impact Survey. The purpose of the survey is to better understand the evolving situation in Nigerian ports and terminals and the ethical behavioural changes that may have occurred as a result of the various MACN initiatives carried out since 2012 to improve the operating environment for the shipping industry.


The ICS Secretariat supports the aims of all measures including those of MACN to fight every form of bribery and corruption in the maritime industry and global trade. To this effect, ICS cooperates with MACN, including by sharing various surveys, and we encourage members to share the questionnaire with their members for ship Masters, crew, and operators to provide their input, which will be of great value in MACN’s work.


Since 2012, MACN has worked to improve the operating environment in Nigerian ports and terminals. This has included the harmonisation of port clearance procedures and the implementation of a Grievance Reporting Mechanism for escalation of disputes relating to corrupt demands. Both of these  tools are available through the Port Service Support Portal (PSSP) hosted by the Nigerian Shippers Council.


The link to the Impact Survey can be found here


All data will be collected anonymously and handled confidentially by MACN. The results of the survey will be aggregated and shared with project stakeholders, MACN members, and will be used to develop the next steps MACN should take to further improve the operating environment in Nigeria.


Please contact if you have questions to this request or MACN’s Collective Action in Nigeria. MACN thanks you in advance for your valuable feedback, which they would like before  30 September 2023.

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