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Hong Kong Ship Registry - ship registration procedures

Circular Ref: A(23)167

Earlier, the Association convened a meeting for the membership to exchange views with the Hong Kong Marine Department on the performance of the Hong Kong Ship Registry including, among others, registration of ships and registration of ship mortgage.

To follow this up, the Department is conducting a review of the Merchant Shipping (Registration) Ordinance (Cap. 415), as well as working on some possible interim, administrative measures that may help streamline the ship registration procedures. Hopefully, some enhancement measures be introduced quickly.

The Association secretariat would like to call upon members who are have expertise and experience in the subject matter to act as the Association representatives for further discussion with the Department.

If you are interested, please contact me or Regulatory Affairs Director Captain Nittin Handa.

We would like to also take this opportunity to thank all those Association members who have offered their valuable advice to the Department in the previous discussions about the Hong Kong Ship Registry.

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