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MATF Approved Course - Practical Dry Cargo Chartering (Course commences in almost a week)

Circular Ref: A(24)107

Good Day,

Please refer to below from SkillsPlus for MATF Approved course on Practical Dry Cargo Chartering. Interested members may directly contact SkillsPlus.


This is our (SkillsPlus, RP ICS and LSF Global) last call to the industry for this program. May we request you to kindly help us by sharing with our HKSOA members.
We would be delighted to provide a 5% special discount to the Members of HKSOA and an additional 10% if three or more participants register from the same firm.

SkillsPlus: Recognised Partner, Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers and LSF Global

Practical Dry Cargo Chartering Part I & II [an MATF program]

Through a combination of theory, practical examples, and case studies this course builds upon the fundamentals of chartering, contract law, rights, and obligations of parties before discussing the risk management through hedging, both physical and forward freight derivatives.

What is different about our programs?

v We create memory hooks for long-term knowledge retention via the study of real-life cases in shipping
v Years of hands-on practical experience triggers relevant discussion points to address the Five Ws and Two Hs
v Our goal is to promote understanding for all our participants, no matter where they are on the curve

US$1,000 for Part I & Part II Combined
We would be delighted to provide a 5% special discount to the Members of HKSOA and an additional 10% if three or more participants register from the same firm.

Course description, registration and easy payment: Please Click HERE

Last date of Registration & Payment: 31st July 2024.

Session Dates: 3 Aug 2024 | 10 Aug 2024 | 17 Aug 2024 | 24 Aug 2024
Session Timings: Hong Kong 14.30 – 18.00 hrs | India 12.00 – 15.30 hrs | Dubai 10.30 – 14.00 hrs

Warm Regards
Jagmeet Makkar FICS
Independent Arbitrator & Trainer
Director, SkillsPlus


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