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Hong Kong Chamber of Shipping

Circular Ref: A(24)138

On the invitation of the newly established Hong Kong Chamber of Shipping (HKCoS), the Association is joining the HKCoS as a Founding member.

At the launch reception of the HKCoS today, the Association was represented by the Association Chairman, Managing Director and China Affairs Director.

Please find attached a flyer of the HKCoS, for a brief description of its background and objectives.

We welcome the formation of the HKCoS and its initiatives to help enhance Hong Kong’s position as an “international finance, shipping and trade centre”, as set out in the national strategic plan, and to strengthen Hong Kong’s leading role in being the gateway to China.

We look forward to working closely with the HKCoS, together with other industry stakeholders, to promote the interests of the Hong Kong maritime community, in the interest of all.

HKCoS description

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