2024 -2025, ICS Maritime Barometer Survey
The ICS has just launched its 2024-2025 Maritime Barometer Survey to better understand the needs of industry and to bring clarity in a very volatile world.
As we navigate the volatile geopolitical environment, including threats to long-standing free-trade principles and the global maritime regulatory framework now more than ever it is vital to understand the views of industry leaders.
The ICS Maritime Barometer Survey 2024-2025 will track the industry’s leadership community on maritime’s risk resilience, future proofing, and decarbonisation. The anonymised survey is designed to gather the strategic thoughts and views of maritime leaders across the world.
The resulting information will help the ICS locate opportunities for collaboration, gain a clearer understanding of where shared priorities lie and be used on a national and international level to further discussions on the industry’s priorities and concerns for a better understanding of shipping.
The year-on-year findings can also help shape strategies when engaging with key stakeholders and leaders in government, providing data-led information on key impact factors for our global supply chain — allowing the ICS to reach out to those beyond the traditional shipping communities and communicate, in one, unified voice, what the industry needs.
Last year’s survey showed that the top three perceptions of risk by maritime leaders against shipping’s capacity to mitigate risks are – political instability, cyber-attacks and malicious physical attacks – would these be the same this year?
For 2025 the survey has been shortened as it’s recognised that your time is valuable, it can be completed in less than 10 minutes.
The survey uses a multiple-choice question format and the ICS hopes that you will participate in the survey to ensure your views – and those held by your region – are represented.
The ICS will analyse the results and publish the findings in time for the ICS Annual General Meeting to be held this year in Athens in June.
Your valuable cooperation will be greatly appreciated.