Save the dates - Asian Shipowners’ Association (ASA) AGM
As you may recall, the HKSOA hosted the ASA AGM and the ASA International Shipping Forum 2024 in Hong Kong last year, with over 700 delegates and guests from different parts of Asia joining that most memorable, three-day event.
We have just been advised by the ASA secretariat about some changes to the date and venue of the ASA AGM of this year.
It is now confirmed that the event, hosted by FASA, will be held on 26 – 27 May in Jakarta.
The tentative programme is as follows:
26 May, Monday
PM Chairmen’s Council meeting
EVE Welcome dinner
27 May, Tuesday
AM Standing Committee meetings and AGM
PM ASA International Shipping Forum 2025
EVE Gala dinner
As with the past, the HKSOA will organise a delegation to take part in the event. We will keep members posted upon receiving programme and logistics details from the ASA secretariat.