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USTR 301 Investigation - Webinar by ICS

Circular Ref: O(25)16

The International Chamber of Shipping will be hosting a webinar on ‘U.S. Trade Representative Section 301: Proposed Remedies’ on 10 March at 12:00 GMT. For all members interested in attending, please click here to register.

What is the webinar about?
Late last month, the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) published the results of its Section 301 investigation into China’s maritime, logistics and shipbuilding practices. The report outlines proposals to impose exorbitant service fees on Chinese-built and Chinese-registered vessels calling at U.S. ports, and export quotas to promote the transport of U.S. goods on U.S. flagged vessels.

Ahead of an important hearing in Washington scheduled for 24 March, this webinar offers a timely opportunity to gain insights into the potential consequences of these proposals for the shipping industry, U.S. businesses and consumers.

Key discussion points include:

  • Potential impacts on U.S. and global trade dynamics – How might the proposed service fees and export quotas affect maritime trade routes and shipping patterns?
  • Potential impacts on U.S. businesses and consumers – What economic and operational implications could be in store if the proposed measures are implemented?

This webinar will be moderated by the ICS Secretary General, Mr Guy Platten, and the panel will feature industry leaders from different shipping segments who will share insights on how these proposals could affect U.S. businesses and consumers, increase transportation costs and reshape global shipping dynamics.

We encourage all members to join.

To register to attend, please click here.

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