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(Save the date) "From MEPC to Action: Symposium on Maritime Decarbonisation and Sustainability"

Circular Ref: A(25)30

The Association has received quite many members’ enquiries about the IMO MEPC meeting, scheduled for 7 April to 11 April, which will deliberate on various greenhouse gas emissions issues with wide, far-reaching implications for the global shipping community.

To follow up on these issues, the Association will organise a half-day event: “From MEPC to Action: Symposium on Maritime Decarbonisation and Sustainability” on Wednesday, 16 April 2025 at 3pm to 5pm, with a cocktail reception at 5pm to 6pm, in the Hong Kong Maritime Museum.

During the Symposium, the Association secretariat will give the audience an update on the MEPC deliberations, followed by discussions on topics of common concern, such as global maritime community response in general, green fuels availability, and green shipping development in Hong Kong.

We will keep you posted about the programme rundown and invite your registration in due course.

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