Mr Angad Banga, JP
Angad Banga 先生 太平紳士
Chairman 主席
Chief Operating Officer, The Caravel Group Limited |
Angad Banga is the Chief Operating Officer of The Caravel Group, and Director on the Board of Fleet Management Limited and several other companies in the Group’s portfolio.
Angad is the Chairman of the Hong Kong Shipowners Association and Chairman of its Marine Sub-Committee. He was a Member of the Hong Kong Maritime and Port Board for two consecutive terms, ending in March 2024. With a strong interest in the industry’s continued digitalization, he is part of the City University of Hong Kong’s School of Data Science Advisory Committee.
Prior to establishing The Caravel Group with his family, Angad was a Principal with KKR where he focused on investing in leveraged buyout transactions across the Asia-Pacific region. He ran the Asian Leveraged Finance business for KKR Capital Markets Asia, where he helped finance some of the largest, most complex and highly structured private equity acquisitions in the region.
Angad received his AB with Honors in Economics from Dartmouth College. He recently served on Dartmouth’s Board of Visitors of The John Sloan Dickey Center for International Understanding, and on its Presidential Commission for Financial Aid.
Angad is the Chairman of the Hong Kong Shipowners Association and Chairman of its Marine Sub-Committee. He was a Member of the Hong Kong Maritime and Port Board for two consecutive terms, ending in March 2024. With a strong interest in the industry’s continued digitalization, he is part of the City University of Hong Kong’s School of Data Science Advisory Committee.
Prior to establishing The Caravel Group with his family, Angad was a Principal with KKR where he focused on investing in leveraged buyout transactions across the Asia-Pacific region. He ran the Asian Leveraged Finance business for KKR Capital Markets Asia, where he helped finance some of the largest, most complex and highly structured private equity acquisitions in the region.
Angad received his AB with Honors in Economics from Dartmouth College. He recently served on Dartmouth’s Board of Visitors of The John Sloan Dickey Center for International Understanding, and on its Presidential Commission for Financial Aid.
Angad Banga 是拓維集團的首席運營官。他還供職於 Fleet Management Limited(拓維集團旗下公司),並擔任拓維集團其他幾個公司的董事。
在與家人創立 及加盟拓維集團之前,Angad曾是全球知名的投資公司 KKR 的負責人,專注於投資整個亞太地區的的槓桿收購(LBO)交易。Angad也掌管 KKR 亞洲資本市場的亞洲槓桿金融業務,協助亞洲地區內一些規模大、複雜程度高且高度結構化的私募基金收購專案進行融資。
Angad畢業於達特茅斯學院(Dartmouth College),以優異的成績獲得經濟學學士學位。他近期更擔任 The John Sloan Dickey Center for International Understanding 監事會成員,以及該學院的經濟資助委員會委員。
在與家人創立 及加盟拓維集團之前,Angad曾是全球知名的投資公司 KKR 的負責人,專注於投資整個亞太地區的的槓桿收購(LBO)交易。Angad也掌管 KKR 亞洲資本市場的亞洲槓桿金融業務,協助亞洲地區內一些規模大、複雜程度高且高度結構化的私募基金收購專案進行融資。
Angad畢業於達特茅斯學院(Dartmouth College),以優異的成績獲得經濟學學士學位。他近期更擔任 The John Sloan Dickey Center for International Understanding 監事會成員,以及該學院的經濟資助委員會委員。