HKSOA 65th anniversary gala dinner 香港船東會65周年慶祝晚宴
30 March 2023
The Association celebrated its 65th anniversary, with a Gala Dinner in Grand Hyatt Hong Kong as the finale. Over 500 members and guests, from Hong Kong and other parts of the world, together congratulate the Association for its consistent achievements over the past 65 years. Association Chairman, Mr. Wellington Koo JP, gave a welcome address, and Guest of Honour, Acting Financial Secretary of the Hong Kong SAR, Mr. Michael Wong, GBS JP, gave a speech on the important roles played by Hong Kong and the Association in the global maritime arena.
協會慶祝成立 65 週年,於香港君悅酒店舉辦盛大晚宴。 超過 500 名來自本地與海外會員和嘉賓歡聚一堂,祝賀本會在過去 65 年取得的持續成就。
協會主席顧之灝先生,JP致歡迎辭。主禮嘉賓署理財政司司長黃偉綸先生,GBS JP 在致辭時,談及香港和香港船東會在國際航運界的重要地位。