Joint HKSOA / Marine Department Luncheon and Awards Presentation Ceremony
The Association & Marine Department organised a Joint Luncheon & Award presentation ceremony. The event honoured the best of the Hong Kong Shipping industry. We were delighted to have the Secretary for Transport and Logistics, Mr. Lam Sai-hung, GBS, JP attended the event and speak at the luncheon. Awards were presented for Outstanding Performance in PSC inspections, Bravery at Sea, Company with highest Gross Tonnage on HK Ship Registry & Company that placed the most Gross Tonnage on HK Ship Register in 2022. Congratulations to all the winners!
協會與海事處合辦了午宴會暨頒獎典禮,以表彰香港航運業的佼佼者。 我們很高興邀請到運輸及物流局局長林世鴻先生,GBS,JP 出席並致辭。頒獎禮頒發了2022年香港船舶註冊最高總噸位船東、2022年香港船舶註冊年度新增最高總噸位船東、2022年港口國監督檢查傑出表現獎、以及2022年英勇表現獎。本會熱烈祝賀所有得獎者!