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HKMD Questionnaire for Cap. 415 Review

Circular Ref: A(24)35

The Hong Kong Marine Department (HKMD) is carrying out a review of the Merchant Shipping (Registration) Ordinance (Cap.415). In this regard, the HKMD has prepared a review questionnaire.

This Questionnaire collects initial views and areas of concern arising from members’ expertise in the knowledge and experience of ship registration business for the review of Cap.415.

The information collected will be considered appropriately to formulate the draft papers for review.

Given the tight schedule, we would be very grateful if you would fill in either the PDF or the Online Form and submit on or before 15 March 2024 (Friday).

PDF Form

As attached

Online Form

For members using the PDF Form, please return the Questionnaire via email to and copy it to the undersigned.

Should you have any questions, please feel free to directly contact Mr. Teddy Lam at Tel: 2852 4504 or Ms. Yoyo Chan at Tel: 2852 3059 at the HKMD.

Your assistance is deeply appreciated, and we are looking forward to receiving your completed questionnaires.

HKSR Cap 415 Review_questionnaire_20240229_Filable Form

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