ICS Leadership Insights Feb 2024
Please find attached the latest ICS Leadership Insights Bulletin.
The decision maker piece is from Arsenio Dominguez, Secretary General of the International Maritime Organization (IMO). Just one month into his new role at the IMO, Arsenio shares his thoughts on the future for shipping. Arsenio’s positive outlook for our industry is inspiring and his dedication to safety and seafarers is exactly what we need more of as we the shipping industry continue to evolve.
The feature piece is an in-depth look at the Shaping the Future of Shipping summit that took place during COP28 in December 2023. This summit saw delegates plot a practical course towards achieving the IMO’S 2023 GHG strategy to decarbonise shipping and it was the perfect example of what can be achieved when we all commit to working together.
In the news analysis China’s decade of electrification is evaluated, and the lessons that ports around the world can learn ahead of impending onshore power supply (OPS) requirements. In particular, major European ports that will be required to offer onshore power supply and many ship operators will begin using OPS by 2030. The past ten years of OPS development in China highlight the complexity of balancing supply and demand.
Also there is a item on how the shipping industry is taking to address drug smuggling and another on the growing importance of ESG for attracting recruits to the maritime job market, and a look at the need for clarity around key parts of the EU Emissions Trading System.