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Circular Ref: O(23)57

Stakeholder Webinar Summary Report

The ICS Secretariat attended an industry stakeholder engagement webinar on 19th Dec organised by the Panama Canal Authority. Members will be aware that the Panama Canal Authority (ACP) has experienced an extended dry season and, in response, has been regularly introducing additional measures in an effort to mitigate the issue at hand. These measures include draft restrictions as well as new booking systems. The webinar was coordinated to respond to industry questions about these changes, the main outcomes of which are included in the summary report attached at Annex A.

Industry Delegation Visit to Panama – January 2024

Members will recall that the ICS Secretariat has arranged for a delegation to visit the Panama Canal Authority in January, scheduling a meeting with the Administrator of the Canal at the ACP headquarters on 18 January 2024. The delegation, comprising the ICS Secretary General and the Chair of the ICS Canals Sub-Committee, will also meet with the Vice President of Operations, Mr Boris Moreno, during the visit to address operational concerns members may have. In advance of this meeting, members are invited to note the attached Annex B, providing an overview of anticipated topics for discussion.

Members are kindly invited to review and provide any additional input on the attached provisional agenda to Georgia Spencer-Roland at ( with ( in copy.

CAN(23)21 -Annex A – Summary Report of Panama Canal Industry Stakeholder Webinar

CAN(23)21 -Annex B – Agenda for ICS Delegation to the ACP (18 Jan 23)

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