Proposed Amendment to the individual schedules for DIRECT REDUCED IRON (A) and DIRECT REDUCED IRON (B)
The ICS is proposing to co-sponsor a proposed draft submission to CCC- 10, which contains Amendments to the individual schedules for DRI(A) & DRI(B).
When DRI (A) was developed as a product, it was determined through a series of practical tests that the Apparent density & Physical strength were considered important.
The current provisions of DRI(A) in the IMSBC code, generally covers whole briquettes and thus is open to broad interpretation which is problematic especially as volumes of DRI are expected to be greatly increased in future as the steel industry attempts to decarbonise.
IIMA has followed up on this matter and has prepared amendments for the individual schedules of DRI(A) & DRI(B) which the ICS agrees with and intends to co-sponsor the submission unless Members’ advise otherwise.
Members are asked to review the draft submission (Annex A) along with the supporting INF submission (Annex B) and provide comments, if any, to the undersigned by COB on Wednesday, 10-July-2024 so the ICS can be advised to consider any changes.
BCP(24)01 -Annex A- Amendments to DRI(A) & DRI(B) individual schedules