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RightShip – RightFLEET LITE

Circular Ref: O(23)52

Members will recall that through the regular ICS / RightShip meetings, the ICS Secretariat had requested RightShip to consider how smaller vessel owners, managers and operators could access their own vessel data without an excessive cost burden.

RightShip have advised the Secretariat that they have launched a new product, RightFLEET LITE, aimed specifically at smaller fleet owners, managers and operators, so they can gain access to the RightShip Platform to monitor individual vessel safety scores, GHG ratings and other key information on their vessels..

RightShip have provided an introduction to the product, included under Annex A and requested this is circulated to members.

MC(23)116 – Annex A – Introducing RightFLEET LITE – Nov 23

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