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Risk Intelligence Monthly Report for October 2023 and Northern Black Sea Update of 29th September

Circular Ref: A(23)176

Please find attached the Risk Intelligence Northern Black Sea Update of 29th September and the Risk Intelligence Monthly Report for October 2023. This month’s monthly report focuses on Cocaine trafficking, a major concern for the shipping industry and public authorities. The latest data gathered by Risk Intelligence confirms trends observed by several organisations in recent years and provides an in-depth look at the day-to-day implications for merchant ship operators. The report also covers incidents that took place between September 1-30 in West Africa, the Western Indian Ocean, and Southeast Asia; and a brief update on the maritime implications of the war in Ukraine.

In accordance with the scope of the agreement between ICS and Risk Intelligence, members are requested not to circulate the report further in its entirety. Members may precis the report or use extracts from it to help advise members on key issues or to assist in enquiries. In such cases, Risk Intelligence should also be acknowledged as the source of the information.

MC(23)90 -Annex A – Monthly Intelligence Report October 2023

MC(23)89 -Annex A – Risk Intelligence Northern Black Sea – Russia Ports Report_28SEP2023

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