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Circular Ref: A(23)162

Please find attached, at Annex A, the Risk Intelligence Northern Black Sea Update of 7 September. In the report’s assessment section, the week’s main incidents are put into a broader context to highlight current threat levels and potential changes for maritime operations. The report also contains a port status overview and forecast that cover the main concerns going forward, and a chart of the temporary ‘Humanitarian Corridor’ as announced by the Ukrainian Navy.

In accordance with the scope of the agreement between ICS and Risk Intelligence, members are requested not to circulate the report further in its entirety. Members may precis the report or use extracts from it to help advise members on key issues or to assist in enquiries. In such cases Risk Intelligence should be acknowledged as the source of the information.

MC(23)78 -Annex A – Risk Intelligence Northern Black Sea – Russia Ports Report_07SEP2023


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