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Shaft Power Limitation (ShaPoLi) - the response of the Hong Kong Marine Department

Circular Ref: A(23)95

Earlier, at a meeting hosted by the Association with the Hong Kong Marine Department to exchange views on the Hong Kong Ship Register, some members raised concerns about the ShaPoLi issues.


The government response is summed up below:


- The Department is not against the ShaPoLi, but its position on Hong Kong-registered ships is that they must meet or comply with the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) regulations. 


- With reference to a ship owner that has installed a ShaPoLi on one ship and intends to get more installed on other ships, since the system is certified and approved by a Recognized Organization (RO) and is equivalent to the IMO requirement, then it is acceptable to the Department.


- Regarding whether the MD would allow a ShaPoLi with an inbuilt system for raising an alarm, and then allowing the engine to go over the set limit without any manual intervention by the officer on watch, so long as it is not a deliberate action, there is a recording system, and it is entered in the log why the power was allowed to go over the limit, it would be acceptable if the system meets the IMO and MEPC requirements, as well as any other requirements the RO may set. 


-  As IACS has approved the ShaPoLi system under rule 172, the Department is of the view that if the RO has agreed that this also meets with the MARPOL355(76), then the system is acceptable.


After the meeting, the Hong Kong Marine Department issued two circulars (attached), which are self-explanatory and should cover the government's stance on similar matters that may turn up on a case-by-case basis.


We are pleased with the government's quick response. 


Should members have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact the Association secretariat. 



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