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Summary Report for IMO MSC 107

Circular Ref: A(23)104

As members may be aware that the 107th session of the IMO’s Maritime Safety Committee (MSC 107) was held from 31 May to 9th June. Following is a summary/highlights of the meeting.


1. Amendments to SOLAS Ch. II-1/ for onboard lifting appliances were adopted. The amendments encompass necessary safety measures for shipboard lifting equipment and anchor handling winches used in anchor handling operations. The primary objective is to prevent mechanical failures, frequently resulting in injuries, fatalities, and damage. The amendments also require that relevant onboard lifting appliances and anchor handling winches adhere to classification rules or equivalent rules accepted by the flag administration during their design, construction, and installation. Additionally, guidelines for lifting appliances and anchor-handling winches have been endorsed. Pre-existing lifting appliances that lack certification and were installed prior to the entry into force of the new regulation must undergo testing and comprehensive examination by the first renewal survey conducted on or after 1 January 2026. The new regulations will enter into force on 1 January 2026.


2. Injuries, loss of lives, container losses, and damage to bulk cargo (liquefaction) have been frequently caused by the strong movement of ships at sea. To address this issue, MSC 107 has made amendments to SOLAS Chapter V and certificate forms to make electronic inclinometers, linked to the VDR, mandatory for measuring heel angles on containerships and bulk carriers weighing 3,000 gross tonnage or more constructed (as per SOLAS V/2.1) on or after 1 January 2026. These amendments will NOT apply to a) Cargo Ships occasionally carrying cargoes in bulk; b) General Cargo ships carrying containers on deck. The new regulations will enter into force on 1 January 2026.


3. MSC 107 has made amendments to the Life-Saving Appliances (LSA) Code and the Revised recommendation on the testing of life-saving appliances (MSC.81(70)) regarding the ventilation of totally enclosed lifeboats. The following changes have been adopted:

  • Sufficient Air Admission: The totally enclosed lifeboats must allow adequate air intake at all times to prevent a long-term concentration of CO2 exceeding 5,000 parts per million (ppm) for the maximum number of persons the lifeboat can accommodate, even with the entrances closed.

  • Effective Ventilation: The means of ventilation should be operable from inside the lifeboat and arranged to ensure proper ventilation without the formation of unventilated pockets or stratification.

  • Power Supply: If the ventilation system is powered, it must have a sufficient energy supply for a minimum duration of 24 hours.

The new regulation also specifies requirements for the openings of the ventilation system and their means of closing. Additionally, MSC 107 has incorporated previously approved amendments to MSC.81(70) regarding the ventilation of totally enclosed lifeboats. These amendments include exceptions for ventilation performance testing for fast rescue boats.

The adopted amendments will take effect on 1 January 2026. The new requirements will be applicable to all totally enclosed lifeboats installed on or after 1 January 2029.


4. MSC 107 has adopted amendments 07-23 of the IMSBC Code. The proposed changes include:

  • Introduction of new cargo schedules for celestine concentrate, celestine, crushed granodiorite fines, ground granulated blast furnace slag powder, and magnesite fines.

  • Harmonization of stabilization requirements for fish meal with the IMDG Code, and its classification as MHB (SH) instead of class 9.

  • Alignment of the IMSBC Code with SOLAS regulations regarding the declaration of solid bulk density, along with a new MSC circular to inform stakeholders about this issue.

Furthermore, MSC 107 has approved amendments to MSC.1/Circ.1453/Rev.1 and MSC.1/Circ.1454/Rev.1, which involve the inclusion of the term "dynamic separation."

These amendments to the IMSBC Code will come into effect on 1 January 2025.


5. MSC 107 adopted revisions to the performance standards for water level detectors on ships subject to SOLAS regulations II-1/25, II-1/25-1 and XII/12. The amendments provide that for bilge level sensors in SOLAS regulation II-1/25-1.3, if the bottom of the bilge well is below the upper surface of the inner bottom, the heights of those sensors are to be measured from the bottom of the bilge well.


6. MSC.539(107) Amendments to the Seafarers Training and Certification (STCW) Code (section A-1-2). The amendments include a new definition for "original form of any certificate required by the Convention" to clarify that it means ‘a certificate issued in paper or electronic form in the format approved by the Administration’.

The amendments will enter into force 1 January 2025.


7. MSC 107 adopted a new International Code of Safety for Diving Operations, 2023 (2023 Diving Code), noting that the 1995 Diving Code will continue to apply to existing diving systems.

The significant updates include:

    • Provisions for portable diving systems and surface supplied diving systems

    • Provisions for ships with diving systems installed

    • Provisions for integration between the diving systems and the ships carrying them, including integration of the ships’ ISM system with the diving contractors’ safety management system

    • Measures to ensure evacuation of divers all the way to a place of safety.


The 2023 Diving Code will be effective on 1 January 2024.


8. Goal-based standards (GBS) for new ship construction of bulk carriers and oil tankers are, conceptually, the IMO’s rules for class rules.

Under GBS, IMO auditors use guidelines to verify the construction rules for bulk carriers and oil tankers of class societies acting as Recognized Organizations (Resolution MSC.454(100)).

Following the third GBS maintenance audit, MSC 107 confirmed that the rules of all eleven IACS members and two non-IACS ROs continue to conform to the GBS for new ship construction.


These are the critical amendments approved in this session of MSC. There are a few other interim & draft amendments to various other instruments of other IMO bodies.


Please do not hesitate to let us know if you have any queries or require further clarification on the report of the MSC 107.


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