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The Chief Executive’s 2023 Policy Address

Circular Ref: A(23)193

As you know, the Hong Kong Chief Executive presented the 2023 Policy Address to the Legislative Council yesterday. These are the links:



Please also find below some extracts from the speech and more elaborate content from the Annexes which list out the Key Indicators from 2023 and ongoing indicators from 2022 policy address, in both English and Chinese, that are related to the maritime industry and/or of interest to the Association membership.

Develop “Headquarters Economy”

  1. We will develop “headquarters economy” to attract enterprises from outside Hong Kong to set up headquarters and/or corporate divisions in Hong Kong, bringing in quality enterprises to explore the immense opportunities brought about by the national and international dual circulation. We will facilitate foreign enterprises to tap into the Mainland market, and also assist Mainland enterprises in expanding abroad. The HKSAR Government will explore with the relevant central authorities feasible measures to facilitate Mainland enterprises in setting up headquarters and/or corporate divisions in Hong Kong, such as arrangements for investments relating to capital account.


  1. 我們會發展「總部經濟」,吸引海內外公司到港設立總部╱分部業務,為香港引進優質企業,開拓國內國際雙循環所帶來的龐大機遇,協助外國企業「引進來」和內地企業「走出去」。特區政府會與中央相關部委探討便利內地企業在港設立總部╱分部的措施,例如資本項目投資的便利安排。

Attract Companies to Re-domicile in Hong Kong

  1. The Government will introduce a mechanism to facilitate companies domiciled overseas, in particular those with a business focus in the Asia-Pacific region, for re-domiciliation to Hong Kong. We aim to introduce the legislative amendments into the LegCo in the first half of next year. InvestHK and the Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEX) will reach out to major Hong Kong listed companies domiciled overseas and encourage them to re-domicile to Hong Kong.


  1. 政府會引入公司遷冊機制,便利在外地註冊的公司,尤其以亞太區為業務核心的企業,將註冊地遷至香港,目標是明年上半年提交立法建議。投資推廣署和香港交易及結算所有限公司(港交所)會主動接觸在外地註冊的香港主要上市公司,鼓勵它們遷冊到香港。

“Multiple-entry Visa” to the Mainland for Foreigners Working in Companies Registered in Hong Kong

  1. To attract more overseas companies to set up operations in Hong Kong and facilitate foreigners working in these companies to travel to the Mainland for business purposes, reinforcing our role to connect the Mainland with the world, foreign staff of companies registered in Hong Kong may, starting from tomorrow, apply with the Chinese Visa Application Service Centre in Hong Kong for “multiple-entry visas” valid for two or more years to the Mainland, enjoying priority processing.


  1. 為吸引更多外國公司來港成立,便利其人員北上洽談商務,發揮香港聯通世界與內地的角色,明日起,香港註冊公司的外國人員可在港向中國簽證申請服務中心申請兩年或以上的「一簽多行」簽證到內地,並會獲加快處理。
  1. The Government will endeavour to trawl for and retain talents. We will:
  1. establish the physical office of the Hong Kong Talent Engage (HKTE) – Following the launch of the online platform for the HKTE last year, a physical office will be established by the end of this month. The office will provide support for incoming talents and follow up with their development and needs after arrival. In 2024, we will organise a “Global Talent Summit cum Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area High-quality Talent Development Conference” to promote regional exchange and co-operation in talent attraction;
  2. expand the coverage of universities under the Top Talent Pass Scheme – To expand the network for attracting global talents, we will add eight top-notch institutions from the Mainland and overseas to the list of eligible universities under the scheme, making a total of 184 institutions, with effect from November;
  3. relax visa requirements – Starting from today, we will relax the visa policy in respect of employment for Vietnamese talents and the criteria for Vietnamese applying for “multiple-entry visas” for business and travel. We will also relax the visa policy for Laotian and Nepalese talents for employment, training and study in University Grants Committee (UGC)-funded institutions;
  4. implement the Capital Investment Entrant Scheme – Under the scheme, eligible investors who make investments of $30 million or above in assets such as stocks, funds, bonds, etc. (excluding real estate) can apply for entry into Hong Kong. This will strengthen the development of our asset and wealth management business, financial services and related professional services. Details of the scheme will be announced by the end of this year; and
  5. the Vocational Professionals Admission Scheme – To alleviate the manpower shortage in skilled trades, starting from the 2024/25 admission cohort, non-local students of designated full-time professional Higher Diploma programmes of the Vocational Training Council (VTC) will be allowed to stay in Hong Kong for one year after graduation to seek jobs relevant to their disciplines. This pilot arrangement will be reviewed after two years.


  1. 政府着力搶人才、留人才,措施包括:
  1. 成立「人才服務辦公室」 —— 繼去年推出「人才服務窗口」線上平台後,實體「人才服務辦公室」將在本月底正式成立,為來港人才提供支援、跟進人才入境後的發展和需要等。明年亦會舉辦「全球人才高峰會暨粵港澳大灣區人才高質量發展大會」,推動區域招攬人才交流和合作;
  1. 擴大「高端人才通行證計劃」大學名單 —— 擴闊吸納世界各地人才網絡,11月起,合資格大學名單會增加八間頂尖內地和海外院校至184間;
  1. 放寬簽證 —— 即日起開放越南人才來港就業的簽證政策,並放寬越南人商務和旅遊「一簽多行」來港的申請門檻。我們亦會開放老撾及尼泊爾人才來港就業、受訓和就讀大學教育資助委員會(教資會)資助院校;
  1. 落實「資本投資者入境計劃」 —— 在香港投資於股票、基金、債券等資產(房地產除外)3,000萬元或以上的合資格投資者,可以透過計劃申請來港,以增強香港資產及財富管理、金融及相關專業服務界別的發展優勢,細節今年內公布;及
  1. 職專畢業生留港計劃 —— 為紓緩技術行業的人手短缺壓力,職業訓練局(職訓局)2024/25學年起入學的指定全日制高級文憑課程外地學生,畢業後可留港一年,尋找與其專業相關的工作。此安排會試行兩年再作檢討。

Action Plan on Modern Logistics Development

  1. Logistics development is vital to our status as an international trade centre. In the Action Plan on Modern Logistics Development, to be published later this year, the Government will formulate strategies and action measures to realise smart development, modernisation, green and sustainability, internationalisation and facilitation, with a view to promoting high-quality and development of the logistics industry. In the first phase, we will develop modern logistics clusters in Hung Shui Kiu/Ha Tsuen New Development Area (NDA), which will serve as a logistics gateway to the GBA. The Government will also promote the upgrading of the logistics industry by leveraging on the major trend in smart logistics, and develop an information platform to facilitate the interconnection of local logistics data and goods and information flow across the GBA.


  1. 物流發展對鞏固國際貿易中心的地位十分重要。政府今年內將發表《現代物流發展行動綱領》,朝着智慧化、現代化、綠色及可持續化、國際化及便利化等方向,制定策略和行動措施,推動物流業高質量發展。首階段包括在洪水橋 —— 厦村新發展區建設現代物流圈,作為通往大灣區的物流門戶。政府會推動物流業升級,把握智慧物流的大趨勢,構建信息平台,促進本地物流數據聯通,並推動大灣區內的貨流及信息流。

International Shipping Centre

  1. Hong Kong is a free port characterised by fast customs clearance, high efficiency and strong international connectivity. We also have a quality ship registry and a vibrant maritime cluster. The Government will continue to consolidate Hong Kong’s premier position in ship registration, develop the city into a leading international maritime centre, and facilitate maritime collaboration within the GBA. Measures include the following:
  1. action plan on maritime and port development strategy – The Transport and Logistics Bureau (TLB) will publish an action plan later this year to enhance high-end maritime services, facilitate transformation towards zero emission, promote smart initiatives and digitalisation in the maritime industry, and promote exchanges and collaboration among maritime industries in the GBA and around the world;
  2. promote the development of high value-added maritime services – The Commissioner for Maritime and Port Development under the TLB will co-ordinate efforts of various government departments and stakeholders to spearhead maritime development from an industry-oriented perspective, especially professional services such as maritime law, insurance, ship finance, etc., and develop our maritime strengths in collaboration with the trade;
  3. expand the local maritime network – We have introduced tax concessionary measures for various maritime business services. Shipping commercial principals and overseas shipping companies have responded positively to the idea of establishing and expanding their businesses in Hong Kong. InvestHK will step up its recruitment efforts;
  4. capitalise on Hong Kong’s international position in maritime arbitration – Hong Kong is one of the four designated arbitration venues in the Baltic and International Maritime Council (BIMCO)’s global standard maritime contracts, and is among the leading cities in the world for maritime services. We will enhance our co-operation with various international maritime organisations, including deepening the operation of the BIMCO and the International Chamber of Shipping in Hong Kong, as well as strengthening our role as a gateway for international maritime enterprises and organisations to enter the Mainland market; and
  5. strengthen collaboration in the GBA – We will prepare for the next Greater Bay International Maritime Conference so as to promote the comprehensive strength of the GBA port cluster, and continue to enhance logistics co-operation with other GBA cities, such as those in the west bank of the Pearl River, so as to facilitate cargo transhipment via Hong Kong using the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (HZMB). We will also work with the GBA port cluster to jointly enhance teacher exchanges and provide multi-location training programmes to strengthen the training of maritime talents.


  1. 香港作為自由港,清關快、效率高、國際連繫強,同時擁有優質的船舶註冊和蓬勃的海運業群。政府會繼續鞏固香港船舶註冊的領先地位,打造香港成為領先國際航運中心,推動大灣區航運協作,措施包括:
  1. 海運及港口發展策略行動綱領 —— 運輸及物流局今年內將發表行動綱領,提升高端航運業務、助力綠色航運轉型、推動航運智能化和數字化,推進大灣區及國際航運界的交流協作;
  1. 推動發展航運高增值服務 —— 運輸及物流局下的「海運及港口發展專員」會統籌政府部門及持份者,以產業導向推動航運發展,尤其海事法律、保險、船舶融資等優勢專業服務,與業界合作發展航運優勢;
  1. 擴大本地海運網絡 —— 我們已為不同海運業服務推行稅務寬減措施,航運業商業主導人和海外航運公司對在香港設立和拓展業務反應正面,投資推廣署會加大招納力度;
  1. 發揮海事仲裁國際地位 —— 香港是波羅的海國際航運公會(BIMCO)全球海運業通用的標準合同中四個指定仲裁地之一,香港海運服務屬全球前列。我們會與各國際海運組織加強合作,包括深化BIMCO和國際航運公會在港營運活動,強化香港作為國際海運企業及組織走進內地市場的通道角色;及
  1. 強化大灣區協作 —— 開展籌辦下一屆「大灣區國際航運論壇」,宣傳大灣區港口群綜合實力,繼續與大灣區其他城市(例如珠江西岸城市)加強物流合作,用好港珠澳大橋,便利貨物經香港中轉出口或進口;也會與大灣區港口群共同強化師資交流,提供多地課程,加強海運人才培訓。
  1. The Government will make every effort to promote the use and supply of new energy in sea, land and air transport so as to spearhead green transformation of the relevant trades. We will also explore the development of new energy industrial chains to promote green economy. We will:

(i)                  develop a green maritime fuel bunkering centre – We will study the feasibility of providing green methanol bunkering for both local and ocean-going vessels, and promulgate next year an action plan for the construction of bunkering facilities and development of supply chains. We will also take forward the preparatory work, including technical studies and installations, on providing liquefied natural gas (LNG) bunkering for ocean-going vessels;


  1. 政府將在海、陸、空交通方面全力推動新能源使用和供應,帶領業界綠色轉型,並探討開發新能源產業鏈,促進綠色經濟,措施包括:

(i) 打造航運綠色能源加注中心 —— 研究為本地船舶及遠洋船提供綠色甲醇加注的可行性,明年內公布行動綱領,建設加注設施和供應鏈;並推展為遠洋船提供液化天然氣(LNG)加注的準備工作,包括技術研究和設置;

Expand Our Vocational Talent Pool

  1. We actively support vocational training to nurture local talents by enhancing capacity-building and value-addition, and offering them with a clear pathway for progression. We will:

(ii)                increase allowance of the Apprenticeship Scheme – The VTC will, for a period of three years starting from the 2024/25 academic year, provide each registered apprentice with additional monthly training allowance, and subsidise graduated apprentices in undertaking upskilling courses of relevant trades. The two subsidy arrangements will each last for 36 months; and


  1. 我們積極支持職業培訓,培育本地人才,增能增值,提供晉升階梯,措施包括:

(ii) 增加「學徒訓練計劃」津貼 —— 職訓局由2024/25年度起計三年,向每位註冊學徒每月發放額外培訓津貼,亦會資助每名畢業學徒在入職後繼續參與相關行業的培訓課程,兩項資助安排時限各為36個月;及

In addition to the above extracts from the main speech, please see the following new indicators identified in the policy document Annex.

International Shipping Centre

  1. Implement enhancement measures for the three subsidy schemes under the Maritime and Aviation Training Fund, including increasing the subsidy amount, extending the subsidy period and expanding the scheme coverage, within 2023‑24 to sustain the efforts in attracting and retaining maritime talents. (TLB)
  2. Promote industry‑oriented maritime development:
  • Co‑ordinate government departments and stakeholders to publish, within 2023, an action plan on maritime and port development strategy, and follow‑up the related strategies and measures continuously to spearhead industry‑oriented maritime development;
  • Publish multilingual publicity materials to step up the promotional efforts in targeted overseas markets within 2024, with a view to attracting shipping commercial principals and overseas shipping companies to establish or expand their businesses in Hong Kong, thereby expanding the local maritime network; and
  • Enhance the connection with more than 1,000 local, overseas and Mainland companies/organisations to participate in events of the Hong Kong Maritime Week within 2024, which includes showcasing the international status of the Hong Kong maritime industry in collaboration with media partners. (TLB)


  1. 在 2023-24 年度內,就「海運及空運人才培訓基金」下的三項資助計劃推行優化措施,包括提高資助金額、延長資助期限及擴大計劃涵蓋範 圍,以持續吸引和挽留海運人才。(運輸及物流局)


  • 統籌政府部門及持份者,在 2023 年底前發表海運及港口發展策略行動綱領,並持續跟進有關策略及措施,以產業導向推動航運發展;
  • 在2024年內發放以多種語言製作的宣傳資料,加大在海外目標市場的推廣及招商引資力度,致力吸引航運業商業主導人和海外航 運公司來港設立或拓展業務,擴大本地海運網絡;及
  • 在 2024 年內加強聯繫超過 1 000 間本地、海外及內地公司及機構 參與香港海運週的活動,包括聯同媒體伙伴宣傳香港航運業的國 際地位。(運輸及物流局)

Further, On‑going and Valid Indicators for Specified Tasks Introduced in the 2022 Policy Address:

International Shipping Centre

  1. Continue to enhance port efficiency and data sharing in the shipping and port industry by setting up a brand new data sharing platform for trial by phases, with a view to scaling it up for wider use by 2025. (TLB)


  1. 繼續分階段透過建立全新數據共享平台,促進海運及港口業數據共享,提高碼頭營運效率,並在 2025 年前實現更廣泛使用有關平台。(運輸及物流局)

Development of the New Energy Transport Industry

  1. Continue to promote green transport:
  • Complete a feasibility study within 2024 on providing quality green methanol and liquefied natural gas bunkering for both local and ocean‑going vessels; (TLB, EEB)
  1. 為繼續推動綠色運輸:
  • 在 2024 年內,完成為本地船舶及遠洋船提供優質綠色甲醇和液化 天然氣加注的可行性研究;(運輸及物流局、環境及生態局)

The above is for your reference please. Thank you.

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