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Circular Ref: O(24)02

In response to the prominence of ESG factors influencing investment decisions, and the prevalence of ESG requirements for shipping companies to operate, the ICS Secretariat developed a project proposal to create a free resource for shipping companies accessible via the ICS website. The proposed information is designed to provide a number of benefits to the reader, including an easy reference tool to help companies in tracking/developing their own ESG strategies, and a global ESG mapping exercise to demonstrate concretely the ESG compliance already undertaken by industry through compliance with international convention and ICS best practice. Importantly, while the document would not seek to categorically endorse any ESG framework or outlook, it could nonetheless provide a helpful tool to companies wishing to undertake a review of their corporate strategies with a greater emphasis on ESG considerations.

Further to comments received from members on the proposed ESG webpages on the ICS website, an updated version of the text is attached at Annex A. This version takes into account the many comments received both during and subsequent to the ad hoc SPC working group meeting held last year in which this proposal was discussed in detail.

With the intention of publication of the information contained within this Annex in Q1 of 2024, HKSOA members are kindly invited to send any specific written comments or requests for information changes in the attached to the undersigned for consolidating a response to the ICS by 2nd February 2024.

SPC(24)02 -Annex A – ESG ICS Webpages – Update

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