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Circular Ref: A(23)219

Please find attached at Annex A the Chamber of Shipping America’s report for Nov 2023.

The report covers the following;-

  1. Provides the year end legislative status of maritime related bills currently being considered by Congress, including: American Port Privileges Act, Clean Shipping Act, International Maritime Pollution Accountability Act, Ocean Shipping Antitrust Enforcement Act, Ocean Shipping Reform Implementation Act and the Stop Harbouring Iranian Petroleum (SHIP) Act;
  2. Outlines proposed CSA comments on the EPA VIDA regulations before the mid- December deadline, including comments on ballast water management systems, best practices, ballast water tanks, biofouling and greywater;
  3. Advises that a new briefing paper has been developed in response to ongoing delays in scheduling COC exams in US ports. The paper, tailored for USCG and members of congress, advocates for extension of COC validity among other measures to mitigate delays;
  4. Provides links to pre-register for a North Atlantic Right Whale Vessel Strike Risk Reduction Technology Workshop, to be held between 5-7 March 2024; and
  5. Includes links to U.S. Maritime Alerts on the hijacking of the Galaxy Leader and threats to commercial vessels in the Indian Ocean.

ICS(23)29 – Annex A – CSA Monthly Report November 2023

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