26th Interim Meeting of the Ship Insurance and Liability Committee (SILC) of the Asian Shipowners' Association (ASA)
19 Mar 2021
“The ASA Ship Insurance and Liability Committee met online (e-meeting) for its 26th Interim Meeting on Friday, 19 March 2021. The meeting was hosted by the Hong Kong Shipowners Association. Mr. Richard Hext, SILC Chairman, chaired the meeting. Attending the meeting were the ASA Secretary General and the Technical Manager, and delegates from HKSOA, JSA and KSA. Associate members (from Waypoint Ports & MSC) joined the meeting (as observers). Key issues discussed in the meeting included: – Impact of COVID-19 on insurance and liability (an industry update)
– Environmental Damage and Limitation of Liability
– Sanctions
– Piracy
– Insurance issues arising from the use of Low Sulphur Fuels”