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"Asia Shipping - Greener Together" - 2024 International Shipping Forum

The Asian Shipowners’ Association (ASA)’s 2024 International Shipping Forum, held in Hong Kong, brought together industry leaders, regulators and stakeholders under the theme “Asia Shipping, Greener Together” to discuss critical issues in the shipping industry and seek collaboration on sustainable practices, including seafarer protection, green fuels, new technologies, training and development, and regulatory compliance.

The event was hosted by the Hong Kong Shipowners Association (HKSOA) and sponsored by the Hong Kong Maritime and Port Board.

The forum’s programme featured welcome and keynote speeches from distinguished guests, including Mr. Lam Sai-hung, GBS, JP, Secretary for Transport and Logistics, Hong Kong SAR, Mr. Arsenio Dominguez, Secretary-General of the International Maritime Organization, and Mr. Guy Platten, Secretary-General of the International Chamber of Shipping. Their addresses highlighted the global significance of greener shipping and the critical role of international cooperation in achieving sustainable practices.

In his welcome speech, Mr. Lam Sai-hung, GBS, JP, welcomed the ASA delegates and participants to this mega event in Hong Kong. In his welcome remarks, he said, “over the past decade, we have seen a significant shift in the centre of gravity of shipping towards Asia. From fleet ownership and cargo shipment to shipbuilding and maritime services, Asia is playing an indispensable role in the creation of a sustainable maritime industry and the world is watching. Hong Kong, Asia’s World City, is already charting new waters for our current and future generations.”

Mr. Angad Banga, president of the ASA and chairman of the HKSOA, emphasised in his opening speech the importance of collaboration, collective effort and innovative thinking to achieve their shared commitment to sustainability. Reducing greenhouse emissions requires a multifaceted approach, involving alternative fuels, energy-efficient technologies and innovative operational practices,” he said.

“By sharing knowledge, resources, and best practices, we can drive collective progress and innovation. Initiatives such as joint research and development projects, industry-wide collaboration, and cross-border partnerships will enable us to pool our expertise and accelerate the adoption of sustainable solutions,” said Mr Banga.

“Our focus must remain on embracing innovative solutions and pragmatic approaches,” he added. “The development of advanced, zero-emission vessels and the integration of digital technologies to optimize maritime operations are critical steps forward. We must also continue to support research and development in alternative fuels, such as hydrogen and ammonia, which hold great promise for our industry’s future.”

In his keynote speech, Mr. Arsenio Dominguez, Secretary-General of the International Maritime Organization, said, “Shipping is undergoing a major transformation to meet the decarbonisation goals established in the 2023 IMO greenhouse gas reduction strategy. For an industry that transports more than 80% of global trade to people all over the world, it is imperative that we focus on global regulations for a global industry.”

“Participating at the 33rd Asian Shipowners’ Association AGM here in Hong Kong, a well- established and renowned world maritime hub, provides an opportunity to exchange views on the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead for the maritime sector at the regional and global level,” added Mr. Dominguez.

In his keynote speech, Mr Guy Platten, Secretary-General of the International Chamber of Shipping emphasised the importance of governments around the world denouncing attacks on seafarers and taking action to protect them against attacks on shipping. “We need to re-define the social contract between seafarers and employers. Seafarers must not be seen as commodities; we must work with them to create a work environment that is safe, equitable and understanding. This will help shipping recruit and retain its workforce,” he added.

Mr Platten pointed out that meeting the decarbonisation target of net zero by 2050 would require three key elements: (1) wide availability of low and zero-carbon fuels at competitive prices, (2) infrastructure at ports to handle these fuels, and (3), a workforce trained to use them.

He commended the Hong Kong SAR Government for its ‘Action Plan on Modern Logistics Development’, unveiled in December 2023, for its “strategies to build a green and smart port, its strengthening of high value-added maritime services and its encouragement of the industry to adopt more sustainable shipping practices” and for its commitment to study “the feasibility of providing green methanol and other clean energy refuelling facilities for both local and ocean-going vessels.”

The programme also included engaging panel discussions that delved into key focus areas. Panellists included industry leaders and experts who explored the topics “Asia Shipping, Greener Together in Fuels, Technologies, Training and Development” and “Asia Shipping, Greener Together in Regulation and Compliance”.

During the panel discussions, Prof. Christine Loh, Director of the Global Maritime Forum and Ms. Tabitha Logan, Founder of the Young Professionals in Shipping Network, served as moderators and facilitated insightful conversations among the panellists. The discussions highlighted the importance of collaboration, innovation, and the adoption of sustainable solutions to address environmental challenges in the maritime industry.

In the first panel discussion, “Asia Shipping, Greener Together in Fuels, Technologies, Training & Development”, panel members included Mr Tim Huxley, Chairman, Mandarin Shipping Ltd, Capt Lothair Lam, Deputy General Manager, HK Ming Wah Shipping Co Ltd, and Mr Zhou Lu, Senior Surveyor, China Classification Society.

In the second panel discussion, “Asia Shipping, Greener Together in Regulation and Compliance”, panel members included Mr Martin Cresswell, Former Chairman, Marine Committee, International Chamber of Shipping, Mr Arun Sharma, Executive Chairman, Indian Register of Shipping, Mr Keiji Tsuchiya, Vice President, Japanese Shipowners’ Association, and Mr Wei Zhuang, Head of Asia-Pacific, BIMCO.

Throughout the forum, the participants actively exchanged ideas, shared best practices, and explored opportunities for future collaboration. The event served as a platform to foster partnerships and drive collective progress towards a greener and more sustainable maritime industry in Asia and beyond.

Concluding the successful forum was a gala dinner, titled ‘Night Vibes Hong Kong’, attended by over 600 ASA delegates, HKSOA members and guests from around the world.

亞洲船東協會(The Asian Shipowners’ Association,ASA)2024 國際航運論壇,以 “Asia Shipping – Greener Together”亞洲航運、綠色同行)為主題於香港舉行,邀請業界領袖、規管機構及眾持份者聚首一堂,為守護船員、綠色燃料、科技創新、培訓發展及監管規則等航運業關鍵議題交流討論,出謀獻策。

是次盛會由香港船東會(Hong Kong Shipowners Association,HKSOA)主辦 ,香港海運港口局(Hong Kong Maritime and Port Board)贊助。

論壇邀請了多位重量級嘉賓致參與;其中包括運輸及物流局局長林世雄先生, GBS, JP、國際海事組織秘書長 Arsenio Dominguez 先生、國際航運公會秘書長 Guy Platten 先生。演辭中除了強調綠色航運惠及全球的重要意義,更分享到國際社會合作在實踐可持續發展所起的關鍵作用。

林世雄先生, GBS, JP 在歡迎辭中,向蒞臨香港出席是次盛會的亞洲船東協會代表及與會人士表示歡迎,並指出:「過去十年,我們看到航運的重心大幅轉向亞洲。從船隊擁有數量及貨物運輸以至造船及海運服務,亞洲在建立可持續海運業方面發揮著不可或缺的作用,深受全球關注,而香港作為亞洲國際都會著手謀劃今天及未來。」

亞洲船東協會會長暨香港船東會主席 Angad Banga 先生在開幕演講中強調,互相協作、共同努力再配合創新思維,對持續發展,至關重要。他更提出溫室氣體減排必須多方面配合,包括使用替代燃料、提升能源效益科技以及創新的互補合作。

Banga 先生說:「透過分享知識、資源及有效措施,我們就能夠合力推進,創新領域。行動包括聯合研究及發展項目、業界協作、跨界別合作等,確保我們可以匯集專業智慧,促進使用可持續發展方案。」


國際海事組織秘書長 Arsenio Dominguez 先生在專題演講中表示:「航運業正在經歷巨變,這才符合 2023 年國際海事組織(IMO)溫室氣體減排策略的低碳化目標。海運貨運量佔全球貿易超過 80%,服務遍及世界各地人民,我們必須及早致力於做好符合全球工業法規的工作。」

「在香港這個世界聞名的海運樞紐,參與第 33 屆亞洲船東協會周年大會 ,正好讓大家藉此機會,迎接地區性或全球海運業的挑戰,互相交流意見。」Dominguez 先生補充道。

國際航運公會秘書長 Guy Platten 先生的專題演講,則著重於世界各國政府對譴責攻擊海員的議題,並且將採取行動,保障航運免受攻擊。他補充說:「我們需要重新釐定海員與僱主的社會契約。海員不能被視為商品。我們必須與他們共同創造一個安全、公平合理並關懷備至的工作環境。這樣才可有助招聘及維持勞動力。」

Platten 先生又指出,要符合到 2050 年將減碳至零排放目標,必須符合三項要素:一,以具競爭力價錢廣泛採用各式低碳及零碳燃料;二,於各個港口設計相關燃料的基建設施;三,有足夠訓練有素的技工支援此等服務。

對於香港政府於2023 年推出的「現代物流發展行動綱領」,他讚賞其中關於「建立綠色的智慧港口策略,加強高增值的海運服務,鼓勵業界採取更多可持續發展的航運措施。」,以及承諾研究「為本地及遠航船隻,提供綠色甲醇及其他潔淨能源設施的可行性」。


在分組論壇中,全球海事論壇董事陸恭蕙教授、Young Professionals in Shipping Network 創辦人 Tabitha Logan 女士,在各論壇與會者之間持相同意見並促進交流。討論中指出協作、創新以及採納可持續方案的重要,同時也指出海運業所面臨的各項環境挑戰。

在首次舉行的「亞洲航運、綠色同行 — 燃料、創新技術、培訓及發展」論壇,嘉賓計有 Mandarin Shipping Ltd 主席 Tim Huxley 、香港明華船務有限公司副總經理林銘鋒船長、中國船級社高級測量師周璐先生。

第二次的「亞洲航運、綠色同行 — 監管與會規」論壇,嘉賓有國際航運公會前海事委員會主席祈敏鈿先生、印度船級社執行主席 Arun Sharma 先生、日本船東協會副會長 Keiji Tsuchiya 先生、波羅的海國際航運公會亞太區主管莊煒先生。


論壇後,題為「香港夜繽紛」的慶功晚宴,宴請來自世界各地的亞洲船東協會代表、香港船東會會員等逾 600 名嘉賓,共慶論壇圓滿結束。

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