Congratulations to Association awardees in the 2022 Honours List
We are very pleased with the appointment of Association Chairman Mr Wellington Koo as a Justice of the Peace.
We are also very delighted that Association Past Chairman Ms Sabrina Chao JP and China Sub-committee member Mr Edward Liu are awarded the honours:
Bronze Bauhinia Star (BBS)
Ms Sabrina Chao, JP
“Ms CHAO is awarded BBS in recognition of her notable contributions to the development and promotion of Hong Kong’s maritime industry. As the first Asian female President of the Baltic and International Maritime Council, she is committed to raising industry’s awareness of critical issues such as environmental protection and the internationalisation and fairness of maritime regulations, while at the same time raising the voice and visibility of Asian ship-owners.
趙女士多年來不遺餘力推動香港海運業發展,建樹良多。她是首位亞洲女性擔任波羅的海國際航運公會主席,致力在業界推動環境保護和海運規例國際化及公平公正等重要課題,並提升亞洲船東的影響力。 現獲頒授銅紫荊星章。”
Medal of Honour (MH)
Mr Edward Liu
“Mr LIU is awarded MH in recognition of his contributions to the development and promotion of legal, arbitration and dispute resolution, and transport- related legal services in Hong Kong.