Delegation visit to the Commissioner Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in HKSAR 拜訪外交部特派員公署
On February 22, 2023, Mr. Angad Banga, Deputy Chairman, led a delegation visit to Mr.Yang Yirui, Deputy Commissioner of the Commissioner Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Hong Kong SAR, to exchange views with respect to Hong Kong’s role as an interniaotnal maritime centre, shipping tax arrangements and consular protection for crew repatriation, etc.
2023年2月22日,Angad Banga常務副主席率領代表團拜訪外交部駐港特派員公署楊義瑞副特派員。雙方就如何鞏固香港作為國際航運中心的地位、國際航運稅務協議及船員遣返領事保護等課題可以進行商討。