HKSOA Delegation paid CNY visits to CPG offices in Hong Kong 香港船東會代表團新春拜會中央人民政府駐港機構
On 26th February 2018, a delegation led by Mr. Bjorn Hojgaard, the Association Deputy Chairman, paid a CNY visit to the Commissioner Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the HKSAR and was received by Mr. Xie Feng, the Commissioner. Views were exchanged on issues of concern to the shipping industry, as well as the global economy, the Belt and Road Initiative and its opportunities for Hong Kong. The delegation thanked the Office for its support to Hong Kong shipowners to solve their problem cases in the past.
On 27th February, the delegation paid a CNY visit to the CPG Liaison Office in the HKSAR and was received by Mdm. Qiu Hong, the Deputy Minister. The delegation thanked the Deputy Minister for attending the HKSOA 60th Anniversary Cocktail Reception and assisting in coordinating the Association delegation visits to Beijing and Shanghai in 2017. The delegation also briefed the Deputy Minister on the work of the Association in the past year at local, national and international levels. Views were exchanged on the 13th Five-Year Plan, the Belt and Road Initiative and the Greater Bay Area Plan, particularly in expanding the Hong Kong maritime cluster and promoting high value-added maritime services.
2018年2月26日,協會副主席Bjorn Hojgaard先生率領香港船東會代表團,拜訪外交部特派員公署,並向謝鋒特派員致以新春的祝賀。代表團與謝鋒特派員就許多業界關係的課題、全球經濟及其對航運的影響、一帶一路國家戰略及為香港帶來的機遇等范畴交換了意見。代表團感謝特派員公署一直以來為香港船東排憂解難,解決同業碰到的實際問題。
2月27日,代表團一行還拜訪了中央人民政府駐香港特別行政區聯絡辦公室,向仇鴻副主任及中聯辦其他領導致以新春的祝賀。代表團感謝仇副主任出席香港船東會 60週年慶祝酒會,並感謝中聯辦協調香港船東會2017年度訪問北京及上海的行程。代表團向仇副主任簡要介紹了香港船東會過去一年在本地、國家及國際層面的工作成績。雙方就國家「十三五」政策、「一帶一路」倡議和大灣區建設等方面的工作交流意見,特別是如何擴大香港海運團體及其高附加值海事服務方面的努力。