The 32nd Asian Shipowners’ Association (ASA) AGM
16 May 2023
On the 16th of May, the HKSOA delegation, led by Chairman Mr. Wellington Koo JP, attended the Asian Shipowners’ Association (ASA) AGM held in Shanghai. The AGM was preceeded by the five standing committee meetings, including the Ship Insurance and Liability Committee (SILC) meeting, chaired by SILC Chairman, Mr. Richard Hext of the HKSOA.
At the AGM, Mr Koo was elected as the new ASA President for the year commencing on 17th May. The HKSOA will host the next AGM of the ASA in Hong Kong in May 2024.
5月16日,香港船東會代表團由顧之灝先生,JP率領,出席了在上海舉行的亞洲船東協會(ASA)年會。 五個委員會小組會議亦於年會之前舉行,包括由船舶保險和責任委員會 (SILC)主席、香港船東會宋睿之先生主持的會議。
在年會上,顧先生獲選為新任亞洲船東協會 主席,任期於 5 月 17 日生效。 香港船東會將於 2024 年 5 月在香港舉辦下一屆亞洲船東協會年會。