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AGM and Annual Cocktail 協會會員周年大會暨酒會

The Association held its annual general meeting on 22 November 2023, at the Hong Kong Club, Hong Kong. At the meeting, Mr Angad Banga, of The Caravel Group Limited, was elected Chairman of the Association. Mr Banga succeeded Mr Wellington Koo, of Valles Steamships Co. Ltd., who stepped down after completing his two-year term as Chairman.

Mr. Wellington Koo, the outgoing Chairman, thanked members for their support for the Association during his term. Incoming Chairman Mr Angad Banga thanked Mr Koo for his valuable contribution and excellent leadership, which helped the Association face many challenges in the past two years, demonstrating the “can-do” spirit to the fullest.

The AGM also elected 
Mr. Richard Hext as the new Deputy Chairman,  and new members to the Association Executive Committee for the new term.

The AGM was followed by the Association’s annual cocktail reception, which was Very well attended.

Hempel and Stephenson Harwood, who joined the Association in 1993, were presented the “30 Year Club” certificate at the event. The Association also held a launch for its new website at the event.

The event was sponsored by The Caravel Group Limited and Swire Shipping. 

協會於2023年11月22日於香港會舉行了會員周年大會。拓維集團Angad Banga先生當選為香港船東會主席,接替完成兩年主席任期的萬利輪船有限公司顧之灝先生。

卸任主席職務的顧之灝先生,感謝全體會員在其任內,給予香港船東會積極支持。 新任主席Angad Banga先生感謝顧先生對協會的寶貴付出和貢獻;過去兩年,由於他的卓越領導,協會面對許多挑戰,仍然充分發揮迎難而上的精神。

週年大會亦選出 Richard Hext 先生為新副主席,同時亦選出了新任的執行委員會成員。


酒會上,協會頒發了「30年俱樂部」證書予會員「海虹老人(眅誠)有限公司」及「羅夏信律師事務所」,感謝它們對協會30年來的支持。 此外,還在酒會中,舉行了新網站的發布會。


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