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ICS RightShip meeting report – 7 September 2023

Circular Ref: O(23)36

Members are advised that ICS met with RightShip on 7th September 2023 as part of an ongoing dialogue and are requested to note an overview of the meeting is included under Annex A.

In advance of the meeting, RightShip provided comments on ICS members’ anonymised feedback, which ICS had provided in advance.

The ICS members anonymised feedback and RightShip’s related comments are provided under Annex B.

The ICS has advised that having reviewed the feedback from HKSOA and other ICS Members, RightShip have offered to have a MS Teams meeting, or a meeting in Person at a designated location at some point with interested ICS members to productively discuss any of the feedback and responses directly.

If members think this would be advantageous the ICS Secretariat & RightShip will find a mutually acceptable date and location, and this will be discussed further at the Marine Committee meeting 11 & 12 October 2023.

Please advise if members would like a follow up Teams meeting with Rightship and the ICS or a physical meeting in Hong Kong with Rightship.

Members are further advised that in addition to the potential meeting advised above, the ongoing dialogue with RightShip will continue, with the next meeting scheduled for 26th March 2024.

MC(23)84 -Annex A – ICS RightShip meeting report 070923

MC(23)84 -Annex B – ICS RightShip meeting report 070923 – ICS member anonymised feedback & RS comments


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