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EU ETS Scheme - List of shipping companies listed by the Administrative Authority - Follow up Actions

Circular Ref: A(24)19

Further to our circular earlier this morning, Cir Ref : A(24)18, ABS has kindly agreed to the circulation of the information below which have sent to their members.


In case you have not received it yet please see attached the Implementing Decision (EU) 2024/411 on the list of shipping companies specifying the administering authority in respect of a shipping company.


1. A shipping company shall request the relevant national administrator (NA) the opening of a Maritime Operator Holding Account (MOHA) within 40 working days of the publication of the attached list (Within 20 working days of the receipt of a complete set of information, the NA shall open a MOHA or will inform the applicant of the refusal to open the account).

2. The shipping company should also be responsible for submission of the MRV data in Thetis MRV system. Shipping Company remains responsible for compliance with both MRV and ETS obligations. A third party can perform operational tasks, e.g. monitoring and reporting tasks on behalf of the shipping company as a user in Thetis MRV.

3. The shipping company will be the “Registered Owner” which is able to pass the EU ETS responsibility to the ISM managing company under contractual arrangement. The document must be submitted to the NA together with the updated Monitoring Plans (MPs) for every vessel. The verifier shall review it, during the assessment of the MP.

4. Shipping companies not included in that list, should approach THETIS-MRV helpdesk, which will assist them in identifying their responsible administering authority in the system. Companies will have 65 working days from the first port of call to request the relevant NA the opening of a MOHA.

5. Once a company contacts the national administrator (see attached the list with NAs contact points) will receive detailed information about the process and the documentation to open a Trading or a MOH Account. For example, please see attached relevant guidance by the German national administrator for opening a Trading Account.


EU ETS National Administrators Contact Points



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