CNY visit to CPG Liaison Office on 22nd March 2021 新春拜訪中央人民政府駐港聯絡辦公室(2021年3月22日)
The visit was led by Bjorn Hojgaard, HKSOA chairman and the delegation was warmly received by Ms. Ye Liping, Deputy Director-General of the Economic Affairs Department of the Office. Delegates discussed issues on the future development prospects of Hong Kong in shipping, the ratification of Hong Kong Convention, the US Shipping tax on Hong Kong shipping companies, crew change during COVID-19 and vaccination issues etc.
香港船東會主席Bjorn Hojgaard先生率船東會代表團拜訪了中聯辦經濟部葉麗萍副部長,雙方就香港航運的未來發展前景、批准《香港公約》、美國航運所得稅對香港航運公司的影響、新冠肺炎期間的船員換班安排以及疫苗接種等問題,與中聯辦領導交換了意見。