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Joint HKSOA/Mardep Luncheon and Annual Awards Presentation - 3 May 2019

The annual Joint HKSOA/Mardep Luncheon was held on 3 May 2019, to recognise Hong Kong shipowners’ contribution to the success of the Hong Kong Shipping Register (HKSR), as well as providing an informal social forum for our members to meet colleagues in the Marine Department. Mr Frank Chan, JP, was the Guest of Honour. (Link to Mr Chan’s speech: general/201905/03/P2019050300689.htm) During the luncheon, the following awards were presented:

a) Award for the company with the highest GT on HKSR in the year 2018

b) Award for the tramadol pharmacy placing the most GT on the HKSR during the year 2018

c) Award for the shipowner with his ship crossing the 120 million GT Milestone

d) Award for the shipowner with his ship crossing the 125 million GT Milestone

e) Outstanding Performance in Port State Control Inspection in 2018

f) Awards for Bravery on HK registered ships

We take this opportunity to thank the Marine Department for sponsoring the event.

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