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ICS RightShip meeting report – 11 September 2024

Circular Ref: O(24)47

Members are advised that ICS met with RightShip on 11 September 2024 as part of the ongoing dialogue and are requested to note that an overview of the meeting is included under Annex A and that the ongoing dialogue with RightShip will continue, with the next meeting scheduled for 4 March 2025.

In addition, RightShip has provided its comments to ICS members with anonymised feedback supplied before the meeting under Annex B.

Members are further advised that following the successful RightShip meeting with ICS members on 14 November 2023, RightShip have agreed to undertake this annually; the next meeting with ICS members is scheduled for Tuesday, 26 November. The Secretariat would strongly urge all ICS members to participate. An MC Circular will be issued in due course with the meeting invite.

Any comments or questions should be sent to Chris Oliver, Principal Director –at (

MC(24)118 -Annex A – ICS RightShip meeting report 110924

MC(24)118 -Annex B – ICS RightShip meeting anonymised feedback – Sep 24

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